Infants (K-2)

Foundational Years

Starting “big” school is such an exciting time for you and your child. At MidCoast Christian College we believe that a positive school experience in the early years of education lays the foundation for your child’s journey of life-long learning. Our teachers are committed to establishing a safe, caring and nurturing environment for your child where they can grow and develop to reach their full potential academically, physically, socially and spiritually.

The journey of learning to read and write is a stimulating yet complex one. At MCCC we teach this through a comprehensive literacy initiative which includes the Jolly Phonics program. The consolidation of knowledge is strengthened as the students use these sounds in writing words, sentences and paragraphs as they prepare for writing tasks.

"The early years of education lay the foundation for your child's journey of life-long learning"

A focus for children in the foundational years is an introduction to quality literature. As children share in reading lessons and group work, we aim to foster a life-long love of reading which in turn opens up the child’s imagination and a hunger for learning through written texts.

The learning process differs from one child to another. To cater for the different stages of learning, students will work in groups which enable tasks to best meet students at their point of need and understanding. The students are taught skills for understanding through a hands-on approach to learning with an emphasis on teaching concepts and strategies that will support their future learning.

"We see this journey on the foundational years as a partnership with parents, guiding and encouraging each child to grow confidently in who they are in Christ"